Here are the new items available to buy in kits or make at the craft class.
** If it says "kit available"next to the item - you can order these and make them at your convenience. Otherwise the craft has to be made at a craft night for the use of tools.**

Washer necklaces (great gift idea) -$6 per single necklace - add a washer for $1.50
I'm out of Debt Bracelet - Bring your own credit card(s) - $2 for pieces to put it together.
Boo Letters - Approx. 8.5″ tall and 14″ wide - $18 ea
*Kit available

Little Monsters sign - $10ea
*Kit available
Picture Blocks - if you haven't had a chance to do these yet they are a great and easy home decor item and gift. (thanks tara for letting me show yours!) Each 5x7 - $4 Each 4x6 - $3
Bring your own pictures.
*Kit available
Harvest stackers - $7
*Kit available

Boo Blocks that also say JOY on the back side in red. Each block is abt 3 in wide and ranges 4 -6 inches tall. Cost- $5ea
*Kit available

Here are the dates for Craft Classes this month:
September 22nd - Corina Crutchfield's home (me) 2884 Willow Sprout, Lehi
September 24th - Mindy Quist's home 310 Willow Patch, Lehi
October 1st - 7-9 (a couple spots still available) - 523 s. 2970 w, Lehi
Next week - date TBA
**Remember you can always call or email and pick up kits to do on your own time!!
Corina 801-768-2633
If you would like to host your own craft class and earn $20 in free crafts or vinyl - gather 6 or more friends and just send me an email.